St Timothy's
Episcopal Church

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
We are a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming church guided by scripture, tradition, and reason. We invite you to experience a relationship with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, by participating in the liturgy, engaging with the scriptures, and abiding in this Christian community of faith. In baptism, we covenant with God and each other striving for justice and peace, seeking Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and respecting the dignity of every human being. We believe God loves you, just as you are, and so do we! So, whoever you are and wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you will be welcomed, loved, and affirmed at St. Timothy's. Everybody needs a place. We invite you to make this place yours!
Worship with Us

Third Sunday in Lent, March 23, 2025
On most Sundays, our worship is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, the Divine Liturgy, or the Mass). Together we will listen to the Word of God proclaimed in biblical readings and a sermon, pray for the Church and for the world, and obey Christ’s command (“Do this in remembrance of me”) by partaking together in Holy Communion. Our 8:00 AM service is more quiet and contemplative (no music), while our 10:30 AM service involves organ and piano music, congregational singing, and chanting at special points in the service.

Worship Schedule
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II with Healing Prayers
12:05 PM
Dinner and Bible Study
5:15 PM
Parish Hall
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II (spoken)
Education Hour
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II (sung)
8:00 AM
9:15 AM
10:30 AM
Main Sanctuary
Parish Hall/Classrooms
Main Sanctuary
*Nursery care available

Support Our Ministry
We give generously in response to God’s graciousness to us. We believe that we have been entrusted by God with the financial resources to become a blessing to others. When you give to St. Timothy’s, you support our congregation’s primary mission and ministries, as well as provide a space for hope in alcoholics to find recovery together and also for Girls Scouts to grow and flourish, food for the hungry, relief after tragedy, and much more. List of outreach ministries